Sunday, May 17, 2009


People are weird, trying to figure someone out is like
Thinking about  time travel.
See, a quick thought into time travel normally leaves you at
No way!
Eh, I spose' . .. ...  ...  Wha?

But really there's way more then that!
You're literally reversing time and everyones lives, and then there's different dimensions 
to think about.
Which actually brings me onto my next thought,

When do you actually know someone?

-When you finish each others sentences?
-When you can simply predict what their going to do next &&
 How their going to do it?

I don't think that's when you know someone.

I personally, think that it's impossible to actually know someone through & through,
Even if you have known them all your life.
I think like this because, when people are talking or listening to someone or even 
Off in another world altogether, you never know what their thinking.
The key thing that allows everyone to be truly unique is the way one thinks,
Because although someone else on the other side of the world might be thinking 
The same thing as you, no one can know or prove it.
You might think that you know everything about someone but their 
True opinion is in their head.
I always wonder 
 What someone's thinking while staring at you,
I freak when i catch a conscious person looking at me.
I don't understand what is possibly that interesting to be looking at me for.
They've met me hundreds of times before, I haven't changed anything, 
But when you do no one notices,

Someone will always be hiding something,
You could be as in-sync with someone as you want but I
Don't think you can ever truly know someone unless you have 
A mind reading device on continuously,  which would end up
Getting really annoying because then you couldn't hear your own
When you're in an argument, and they might pause slightly
What was it that they were going to say?
You'll never know, and it could have been the thing to change your
Relationship forever. 

But then i suppose that knowing someone, 
Having figured someone out are two different things.

Trying to figure someone out is sitting there and boggling
Your mind putting little peculiar parts of times that you've
Been with that particular person together to try and predict
How they'll react to things that could happen in the future
Or just the way that they do little things and their own out look
On life and it's wee mysteries. That's having figured someone out to me.


Knowing someone (Although I find it impossible) would be different,
Knowing someone would consist of, knowing their favorite colours, 
Knowing how they like their coffee, a daily routine or all the interesting memories
Of their childhood, their hopes and dreams and things they wish to accomplish in life.
That is when you  can say you know someone, but sadly that's really the closest you can get To knowing someone because like I said earlier, their real opinions and what they really
Want to say is in their head.

Just a lil sumin' sumin to think about maybe .x0

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