Sunday, May 24, 2009

Just,.. Go suck your thumb =/

Completely irrelevant name to blog topic? 
Or is it ?
Does is matter though,
Does a title have to be related to the blog below it?
Or do you have to read between the lines to see the true
Meaning of someone else's thought.
Sometimes, (more then often) is a blog even a blog?, Or is it someone
Who's loving their computer's diary?

Is there something that makes everyone feel better when their sad and 
Down in the dumps?
Like people say lemonade fizzy and ice blocks are nice to have 
While you have a cold or flu. 
Is it a good idea to just crawl up into a ball on your bed, cry yourself to sleep?
Or reading a book to take your mind off things,
And then there's filling a good friend, or a complete random in on whatever's
Got you down.
Life has too many questions and not enough answers.  But really it's our own 
Fault for asking them in the first place.

Think back to when you were last really sad, what did you do to get past it?
Why were you even sad, and was it worth getting that cut up about it?
Everyone says life has it's ups and downs and to take them as they come but,
Does that ever really help, or warn anyone?
And when you're in a bad mood does it ever help when someone decides to tell you
That you're shitty? I mean, it's normally pretty obvious to you when you are upset.
And then they might ask what's wrong, like they actually care?! 
They just want to spill their own bad fortune most of the time or they don't want
To be round someone who is upset and that comes across as the easier option.

Like someone said to me, Boys think girls are bitches and Girls think guys are assholes,
I've narrowed it down to a simple and short saying of : People suck.
No, you're right it wasn't hard to come up with, but it's true.
Girls complain about guys heaps, guys can tear a girl to pieces with an effort of just two 
Words, if their not in the mood for really trying to mess them up.
And a girl can humiliate and take away any guys man-hood pretty easily too.
But why are we like this towards each other, when often the opposite sex are
The ones we turn to when we're sad. Their the ones we rely on to hold our hands
While we're crying our eyes out. And we're the ones they ask to support them at their
Rugby game or Band gig, cause they want to see our face in the crowd.
Not saying that lesbians or gays don't do that sort of thing with their other half,
Cause they can also be pretty horrible to each other but just like straight people
Their partners are the ones they go to in their time of need of any reason.

Yes bad things happen in life,  loved ones might
Pass away, pets might run off, friends might back stab you, you and your 
Partner may split for good, but what is it that actually makes you sad?
Is it a sense of loneliness? 
Or is it a Dramatisation because you don't feel noticed enough or that you're
Trying to explain to another person that their life isn't the only one that things go wrong in.

How relevant is anything to anything?
Does it need to be?
Should everyone try be happier and ignore the saddening things of life?
How often do you read between the lines?
How far do you go to fulfill a dream,
No matter how relevant it is to your life's current state. , . 


Sunday, May 17, 2009


People are weird, trying to figure someone out is like
Thinking about  time travel.
See, a quick thought into time travel normally leaves you at
No way!
Eh, I spose' . .. ...  ...  Wha?

But really there's way more then that!
You're literally reversing time and everyones lives, and then there's different dimensions 
to think about.
Which actually brings me onto my next thought,

When do you actually know someone?

-When you finish each others sentences?
-When you can simply predict what their going to do next &&
 How their going to do it?

I don't think that's when you know someone.

I personally, think that it's impossible to actually know someone through & through,
Even if you have known them all your life.
I think like this because, when people are talking or listening to someone or even 
Off in another world altogether, you never know what their thinking.
The key thing that allows everyone to be truly unique is the way one thinks,
Because although someone else on the other side of the world might be thinking 
The same thing as you, no one can know or prove it.
You might think that you know everything about someone but their 
True opinion is in their head.
I always wonder 
 What someone's thinking while staring at you,
I freak when i catch a conscious person looking at me.
I don't understand what is possibly that interesting to be looking at me for.
They've met me hundreds of times before, I haven't changed anything, 
But when you do no one notices,

Someone will always be hiding something,
You could be as in-sync with someone as you want but I
Don't think you can ever truly know someone unless you have 
A mind reading device on continuously,  which would end up
Getting really annoying because then you couldn't hear your own
When you're in an argument, and they might pause slightly
What was it that they were going to say?
You'll never know, and it could have been the thing to change your
Relationship forever. 

But then i suppose that knowing someone, 
Having figured someone out are two different things.

Trying to figure someone out is sitting there and boggling
Your mind putting little peculiar parts of times that you've
Been with that particular person together to try and predict
How they'll react to things that could happen in the future
Or just the way that they do little things and their own out look
On life and it's wee mysteries. That's having figured someone out to me.


Knowing someone (Although I find it impossible) would be different,
Knowing someone would consist of, knowing their favorite colours, 
Knowing how they like their coffee, a daily routine or all the interesting memories
Of their childhood, their hopes and dreams and things they wish to accomplish in life.
That is when you  can say you know someone, but sadly that's really the closest you can get To knowing someone because like I said earlier, their real opinions and what they really
Want to say is in their head.

Just a lil sumin' sumin to think about maybe .x0

Monday, May 11, 2009

1st Blog By Me,

I read this book
At the beginning i thought that  it was just another book
Not going to leave an imprint on my life
I wouldn't give it much thought the following days
But i was wrong.

Pippa and Herb had gone through a lot together,

Experiencing Herbs ex-wife Kill herself
Pippa growing out of her old life e.g Pill Popping
The loss of Pippas Mother
Having a family together

They loved each other and fort to be with each other
Herb was a Journalist and he had his own wee office and such.

One day Pippa walked into Herbs office, there was a towel on the couch
And familiar outfit of clothes spread around the room
In the bathroom was one of her bestfriends for almost four years, sobbing wearing one of Herbs casual shirts.

That ^^ All sounds pretty straight forward, common even these days.
The thing that got me is what  Herb said to her " I wanted it to just be an affiar.. but it's more. So much more."
Herb ended up having a massive stroke and dying over the next day or so.

The end of the book has most defiantly left a massive imprint on me:

Books are made up yes? So really it shouldn't put so much thought into my head
But! A horror movie could be purely made up yet it still will scare the crap out of someone, no difference.  
I find it horrible that even after so many years of two people being together he still
had the nerve to have an affair and fall in love with another, younger women.

Is that what life is?
A big lead up to either get: Your heart ripped out by the one you thought would never do such a thing to you or To slowly fall out of love with someone because the 'spark' isn't burning as bright as it used to be?

Why is there no good option in this thing called life, grandparents don't come  across as total lovebirds, even people in their late 40's-50's don't still send off the "I could do you right now" vibe.
Do they all save it for the bedroom or is everyone doomed to dying alone, with an empty heart?
Is that is the way god planned life or did he make a mistake and forget to add the quality of being loyal and the capability of actually loving someone 'till you die? 
Rumor has it, majority of people have affairs and cheat on their so-called loved ones because the spark wasn't there anymore. What does that even mean?! What spark? When the sex was new and interesting? Love ISN'T only sex, yeah i'm sure it plays a part but you never go on those quote sites and read sayings about love with sex all through them, how off putting would that look? E.g "Trust me when i say i love your sex because i will always mean it" 
Like, are you kidding? I have hopes and dreams and because of the way things seem to go for everyone else I haven't included getting married and having children because although i'm young I can see it's a road to heartache. If i end up with the same guy I'm with now ( Fingers Crossed xo!) then i'll be over the moon if he hasn't screwed anyone else. But what are my chances, I'm very aware that i'm not the  prettiest girl alive, I'm aware I'm probably not the best in bed, and i know i won't stay young forever making other girls come across a lot more attractive and desirable but if i can be loved now then why would any of that matter? Why do people feel they have to have an affair or continuous one-night stands with no-hoped bimbos? Why not just save us some of the heartache and break up, or in some cases get divorced? Some claim they still love you even after cheating or holding up an affair, to me that's bullshit. I'm not Anti-Love, no way in hell for I am myself but if you willingly cheat on your partner then you do not know the feeling of love. You have tricked yourself into something bad, cause if you love someone you wouldn't fool around with anyone else. I would probably slap someone who tried to say "Love isn't the same for me as you, in different" or something along those lines because christ, love isn't spelt differently for each individual person! So why should it be any different? People may describe it differently, sure but there is an extent. 

Although maybe that's why people say the spark is gone? Because while falling in love is exciting and interesting and you're finding new things out about each other for years all of a sudden there's nothing new to learn, no strange hobby you never heard of before and then people stop appreciating their other halves. The spark represents something indescribable, which is why once someone thinks it's gone they can't get it back because they don't know what they lost. But really if you don't take your love for granted and put effort into your relationship then there's no reason it should lose that indescribable feeling you have for the first years of a relationship.

Chow.xo   ;)